Lifelong Christian faith formation in The Episcopal Church is lifelong growth in the knowledge, service and love of God as followers of Christ and is informed by scripture, tradition and reason. It is a lifelong journey with Christ, in Christ, and to Christ.



Class sessions are held on the first, second, fourth, and fifth Sundays of the month, starting at 10:00 A.M. in the Lower Level classrooms. Children join their families for Holy Communion during the Peace Exchange in the service. All Christian Formation members attend the full “Family Eucharist Service” on the third Sunday of the month.


Baby Care is provided for infants and toddlers by Bushra Khawaja, a paid experienced adult and mother, in a specially equipped room with interactive age-appropriate activities and learning games.


Preschool through 6th grade Sunday School uses a three-year curriculum based on the Revised Common Lectionary that ties worship and Sunday school.  Sunday school lessons connect kids with the Bible stories their parents hear in worship.  Currently we are using the Spark Lectionary curriculum.


Each Spark Lectionary lesson follows a four-part sequence:

• Gather – Begin the day by gathering together and trying a warm-up activity

• Open the Bible – Open Bibles and explore the day’s story

• Activate Faith – Get moving and become engaged in the story they just read by using their leaflets

• Send – Finish with a closing activity and prayer


All age and grade level classes participate in “outreach” activities for the greater communities, which may include:


•  Teen/Child Angel Program – “Holiday Gifts” Outreach Project

•  Souper Bowl Sunday – Soup Collection for Center for Food Action

•  Linus Fleece Blankets – Create and Donate Outreach Project for Infants and Toddlers

•  Meal Preparation for St. Paul’s Men’s Shelter, Paterson




7th & 8th grade students meet in the Youth Room on Level One at 10am. The lessons follow the lectionary Bible readings. The classes will prepare the students for confirmation, giving them a foundation in faith related terms and concepts. The class uses the Sparkhouse Digital Youth materials. There is time for fellowship amongst the middle school students. The students join their families for Holy Communion during the Peace Exchange in the service.


High School students meet in the Youth Room on Level One at approximately 10:30am following the Peace Exchange in the service. After starting their morning in worship and having already heard the Word and the sermon, the teens will discuss what they heard and any questions they have about their faith and their relationship with God to get them ready to express their faith as adults.


The youth groups will prepare dinner for St. Paul’s Men’s Shelter - Paterson, host coffee hour, assemble care packages for college students, and stuff the plastic eggs for the annual Easter egg hunt.


Confirmation is open to any 9th-12th grader or adult who has not already been confirmed. Reception is available for those who have been confirmed in another denomination but now want to be received into the Episcopal Church. Classes are twice a month on Sunday at 11:30am from October – April.



The sacramental rite in which the candidates “express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop” (BCP, p. 860). 



Baptized persons who have been members of another Christian fellowship and who wish to be affiliated with the Episcopal Church may make a public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their baptism in the presence of a bishop.



The Book of Common Prayer refers to those persons already baptized who are presented to the bishop in the context of a service of Baptism or Confirmation to reaffirm their baptismal vows. These might be persons returning to the church after a period of unbelief or those who have entered a new level of spiritual life.

Stephanie Doyle

Interim Christian Formation Coordinator