The music program has been under the leadership of organist/choirmaster Drew Kreismer since 1984. As a graduate of Kean University (BA Interior Design), Westminster Choir College (BS Church Music/Organ), and Montclair State University (NJ Teaching Certificate and MA Music Education), he is well equipped to lead the music program of two singing choirs, a bell choir, brass ensemble, various instrumentalists. We consistently present traditional quality music at the 10AM Sunday service and most holy days.


The Children's Choir is composed of children aged 3-10. They rehearse weekly after church on Sunday mornings and sing once a month at the 10AM Family service as well as Christmas and Easter. In addition to learning the basics of group singing, they learn about the church, God, and the love of Jesus through song. Such an ensemble strengthens sight singing skills while developing a sense of true Christian commitment to the Church and its worship. There is no cost to join. The choir is led by a professional music educator with 30+ years of teaching music to children.

The Senior Choir is for adult singers of all ages. The all-volunteer, non-auditioned group rehearses weekly on Thursday evenings and sings at every 10 AM service as well as most holy days from September to June. A less formal choir gathers in the warm months of July and August to lead our worship during the summer. The Senior Choir is made of many committed members who are also incredibly active in other areas of church life as well. Their leadership in worship is invaluable. We have an extensive library of choral music spanning many centuries. This choir can sing in four parts and sight reads well. In years past, they have sung works from major oratorios like "Messiah," various cantatas, and requiem masses. Professional instrumentalists (brass and strings) are regularly brought in to supplement high holy day services at Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter.


The Bell Choir is our newest musical group. This non auditioned group of ringers plays our three-octave set of Schulmerich handbells. They rehearse on most Sunday afternoons and ring when members are available. The activity of ringing bells strengthens site reading skills, rhythm, and being in an ensemble. People with basic music literacy of any age are welcome! 


These groups are solely volunteer. The members who give regularly of their time and talents are indeed performing significant Christian service for the parish. In the same way, such groups exist only with volunteers, and new members are very much necessary as previous members “pass through the ranks.” Anyone can participate for any length of time. Simply speak to Drew Kreismer and come to rehearsals in our beautiful choir room, dedicated solely for the rehearsals of our choirs. You'll be glad you did.

St. John's Players: Frequently, St. John's presents either a Broadway Show or a musical review for the community. Drawing from talented members of the congregation and community the church proper is transformed into a Broadway stage to the delight of the community. The performances are offered annually in late May or early June. Carolyn Greenberg is the director.


Pipe Screams: Spooky Organ Music, a comedic skit, and a haunted reception. What could be more fun? Presented most years around Halloween.


The focal point of our music program is our beautiful Nevin pipe organ. Installed in in 1999, it was designed by Lawrence Nevin of New Hampshire in consultation with Drew Kreismer to lead traditional Anglican liturgy in the 21st Century. In 2019 a NAVE division was added to enhance congregational singing. The 3 manual instrument now has over 1500 pipes. The parish also owns three grand pianos, an upright piano, and a three-octave set of handbells. Rehearsals take place in our dedicated, beautifully equipped choir room.